Hauora Services
The Hauora team support whānau to identify their needs, barriers, and opportunities by providing support that meets their individual needs and where appropriate, help develop support plans around financial support, housing, employment, education, health and well-being, whānau and cultural connection.
This service is based in the Kōkiri Puketapu building at Waiwhetu.
The Hauora team operates in partnership with other providers in Te Awa Kairangi and hosts the following clinics:
- Mirimiri Clinic (every Tuesday and Friday )
- Hapū Ora Clinic (every Thursday)
- Hearing Clinic (every second Friday of the month)
The Hauora team work with the Marae throughout Te Awa Kairangi to ensure services are easily available.
For more info, email hauora@atiawa.com
Ōku Kaimahi | Our Staff
Miri Luke – Poutautoko Hauora | Iwi Health Coordinator
Julie Harrison – Kaiārataki