Tamaiti Whāngai Iwi Panel

Tamaiti Whāngai Iwi Panel is an early intervention programme delivered through a partnership between Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa, New Zealand Police and Ministry of Justice. It primarily targets adults (17+) in the Hutt Valley and Porirua regions, who are referred to the service by Police for minor offending. The service seeks to identify the causes of offending and to offer appropriate support

The aim of Tamaiti Whāngai Iwi Panel is to identify and address the causes and nature of the offending and facilitate behavioural change to prevent reoffending. The service includes addressing the needs of the victim, the offender and their whānau and aims to:

  • Ease crime activities and divert people from the criminal justice system
  • Address the harm caused to victims
  • Provide a kaupapa Māori response to offending behaviour.
  • Implement on-going whānau-centered interventions to improve outcomes for all.
  • Help restore the mana of everyone affected.

The Tamaiti Whāngai Iwi Panel operates under a C.A.R.E. philosophy of:

  • Culture – healthy, happy and vibrant family life
  • Accountability – encouraging people to rake responsibility for their actions
  • Restitution – all parties agree to the Panel decisions and work to achieve them
  • Empathy – sharing the participant’s feelings and experiences.

Tamaiti Whāngai Iwi Panel operates under Te Āti Awatanga and seeks to identify and address the causes of offending while ensuring those referred have in place plans to redress their offences. In some cases, the victims agree to attend the hearings enabling restorative practices to be embraced.

The Kaiārahi who work on this programme work with the clients over a six-week period to plan to address the issues identified and to work with the clients to assist them to progress achievement of their plans. Plans include providing an apology, engaging in community service, financial reparation and/or engaging with support services. In many cases these clients will be referred to the He Tangata Drivers Licensing programme.

This service is led by Kim Haumaha who is experienced manager and leads the team of Kaiārahi

For more information on this service contact Te Rūnanga on (04) 566 8214

Ōku Kaimahi | Our Staff

Konga ReritiChairman
Kim HaumahaWhānau Ora Kaiārahi | Team Lead
Errol WestonWhānau Ora Kaiārahi
Julie WilsonWhānau Ora Kaiārahi
Brittany Hepi – Whānau Ora Kaiārahi